Arthur Auboeuf “Les coulisses de Team for the planet”

MoHoTalks #29 – Arthur, co-fondateur de l’équipe pour la planète.

Team For The Planet is a citizen movement of unprecedented scale, aiming at €1 billion to deploy 100 major innovations in the fight against global warming around the world. Since its inception in 2019, the goal of Team for the Planet has been clear: to identify innovative solutions, recruit seasoned entrepreneurs and transform them into viable businesses with robust business models, and invest to accelerate their implementation and maximize their impact. This event is proposed as part of the MoHo Impact Club’s programming, bringing together dozens of companies interested in the major issues of the moment (climate, inclusion, biodiversity…) and wishing to work on their models: circular economy, contributive enterprise, new ways of working and management.

Gilles Boeuf “How to write the future with the living?”

MoHoTalks #30 – Gilles Boeuf, IPCC Researcher, Expert, Political Scientist and President of Ecosphère

With our guest, Professor Gilles Boeuf, global expert on biodiversity issues, Professor at the Collège de France and former President of the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, President of the Ceebios, we will explore the wonders that life offers and we will return to the urgency of acting.

The conference, co-organized with makesense and Ceebios,, within the framework of the “Cities & Living – The future life-size” programme, is an invitation to embrace the creative power of nature to build a future where man and life coexist in balance, Opening the way to a new chapter of shared prosperity and environmental sustainability.

This event is supported by the Normandy Region, the city of Caen, the French Federation of Calvados Building, SUEZ Eau Normandie and the Regional Federation of Public Works.

Thank you ! Enjoy !

Ronny Turiaf “Does sport still make union?”

MoHoTalks #28 – Ronny Turiaf, NBA Champion Alumni, NBA Ambassador Jr., Entrepreneur

On November 30, Ronny Turiaf came to testify about his inspiring journey. From his first stint on the field to his dedication as NBA champion with the Miami HEAT. An exciting discussion about the power of sport as a tool for social connection, peace, inclusion and equality.


François Gemenne “Towards an optimistic and engaging ecology”

MoHoTalks #26 – François Gemenne, Chercheur, Expert du GIEC, Politologue et Président d’Ecosphère

Why is ecology dividing us so much? Why are we failing collectively to contain climate change and the destruction of life? What strategies should be developed? These questions are at the heart of François Gemenne’s latest book, Ecology is not a consensus.

On Thursday, 23 March, we received François Gemenne, a Belgian political scientist who specializes in environmental migration and climate change adaptation policies. Former director of the interdisciplinary research program «Earth Policies» at Sciences Po, François Gemenne is an expert on the IPCC and president of Ecosphere, a European think tank dedicated to human rights and the environment.

With him, we have addressed the geopolitics of the environment, and in particular the place of ecology in the concerns of citizens and politicians. There was also discussion of climate protection and biodiversity policies, their effects and contradictions in contemporary society that prevent climate and environmental challenges from becoming a primary concern for some citizens and the political sphere.

Podcast available : listen

Olivia Gazalé «Building an egalitarian, inclusive and pacified society»

MoHoTalks #24 – Olivia Gazalé, Philosopher

Provocateurs, radicals, aggressive… concepts of feminism, virilism, sexism often trigger passionate exchanges in society. While some see it as a risk of destabilizing the relations between men and women, others, on the contrary, consider it a progress to challenge gender stereotypes, whether they are female or male.

The balance men/ women in society and in companies will not be achieved without an understanding of the traps in which both genders are trapped and without a common desire to build, together, a more free and egalitarian society. A collective commitment that must transform both businesses, our representations and our lifestyles.

Podcast available : listen

Claudie Haigneré “Writing a new story for the future”

MoHoTalks #25 – Claudie Haigneré, Space Scientist and French Policy

“I have in mind the utopias and positive anticipations that I was able to live in my youth and which gave us, to my generation, this desire to project ourselves towards the 21st century. And today, it is true that the younger generation sometimes has this difficulty in projecting themselves towards something that might be desirable, a desirable future. (Claudie Haigneré – France Culture 21/10/2021.

On 13 October 2022, we welcome the first female ESA European astronaut, Minister and Advisor to the European Space Agency, Claudie Haigneré. With it, we will address the place of future storytelling that offers new generations the ambition to dream and build a new world. We will tell about this phenomenon where astronauts feel the beauty of the earth – the overview effect – and we will question the issues associated with space conquest, exploitation of the moon and questions of sovereignty and international law. We will discuss the existence or not of new global coalitions that allow for the alignment of interests and the creation of a unity of civilization.

Because what guides the human being towards space will not be without consequences on the relationship of men and women to our own planet. It is a new common narrative that is written and it may be the key to the future.

Christian Clot “Adapting to the present and building tomorrow in collective”

MoHoTalks #21 – Christian Clot, Researcher Explorer

To kick off the MoHoTalks series, we received Christian Clot, an internationally renowned explorer with over 20 years of expeditions in extreme weather environments. It creates the Human Adaptation Institute, which aims to better understand the cognitive and physiological mechanisms of human adaptation to change. Several immersive experiences were created including Deep Time where 15 people experienced 40 days together in a cave.

This MoHoTalk dictates the whole of the future editorial line: how to build together a collective by changing its relationship to the living and to what surrounds us.

Enjoy your viewing!

Etienne Klein ‘Is scientific popularization a failure?”

MoHoTalks #22 – Etienne Klein, physicist and philosopher of science

Is science extension a failure? At first glance, extension has been somewhat successful. But if we do the math, we realize that this success is very strongly biased: scientific popularization interests people who are interested in… Scientific popularization!

That is to say, in the end very few people. The majority of the population, the “general public”, has little direct contact with actual scientific content, whether it be results, demonstrations or experiments. He drinks from other sources.

So how can we organize real public debates on issues that have little or nothing to do with science?

Podcast available : listen

Colette Marin-Catherine “Take inspiration from the extraordinary”


A resistance fighter, a heroine, a huge Lady. On June 6, 2021, MoHo invited the resistance Colette Marin Catherine – whose history was immortalized by an Oscars in 2021 – for a MoHoTalk marked by history. Inspired by the extraordinary to create the collective with the resistant Colette Marin Catherine whose history was immortalized by an Oscars in 2021.

During this conference and exchange, Colette goes back on the meaning of Courage and discusses with the younger ones her view of the world and its evolution. This moment was introduced by a raising of flags and ends with a moving concert.

In Colette’s words, the story of the landing and this terrible period takes on a new meaning. We are moved, we laugh and we are challenged. The message is one of commitment, respect, courage, hope and collective because nothing individual or small can solve the current issues of the coming years.

André Manoukian “Harmony in dissonance”

MoHoTalks #18 – Harmony in dissonance…

For this 18th MoHoTalks, we invited an extraordinary storyteller. The path to perfect harmony is not linear. Admittedly, there are rules but what often comes from the sublime is also revealed by the discomfort, the original, the intuition, the offbeat and finally the unexpected. The parallel with the collective is obvious. To create the extraordinary one would have to play with curiosity, go out of its a priori, look for the original, the strangeness, the step aside.

For 1 hour with André Manoukian, we invite you in this musical journey. Between words and melodies we will go to the past, the present, the future, to meet these stories that make melody, harmony and finally the extraordinary.
An exceptional moment and certainly funny and intoxicating.

Podcast available : listen