Launching the D-Day of Positive Impact
MoHo is a coalition of changemakers solving the world's greatest challenges.
We come from startups, universities, and corporations. NGOs, public institutions, and research labs.
We are entrepreneurs, leaders, and artists. Dreamers, organisers, and doers.
Our community makes us stronger. Our diversity more impactful.
We are launching the (new) D-Day of Positive Impact.
From Normandy, 80 years after D-Day.
Join us.

Two main focuses
Change the world and solve biggest challenges of our time won’t happen overnight
and without a massive radical collaborative approach. We have decided to start our mobilization of coalitions of entrepreneurs, students, researchers, corporates, NGOs, artists, and citizens on two main areas. All our resources, connections and experiences will be focus on :
Digital Disruption
and Inclusion
Climate Transformation
and Inclusion

The first collider in Europe
Mixing entrepreneurs, researchers, artists, corporates, NGOs, citizens in an amazing 7,500m2 space including. 1,500m2 are totally free and accessible to all. In Caen, the heart and Capital of Normandy.
MoHo HQ is unique by the way it has been built and designed to foster collaboration and engagement. Up to 1,500 people can daily enjoy our amazing facilities to get inspired, to work, collaborate and enjoy life. Creativity rooms, conference room, amphitheater, sports stadium, Sauna, restaurants etc.
World challenges
Researchers, students, employees from big corporations, startuppers or citizens from all backgrounds and from all over the world are able to work together permanently beyond their mindset differences and with their various skills to fight the biggest challenges of our time .
More than 50 partners joined us : Makesense, Hello Tomorrow, Schoolab, UC Berkeley !
Cities & Nature
For the past 3 years, MoHo has been collaborating with makesense and Ceebios to develop nature-based solutions for regenerative cities.
In 2024, the program is being rolled out in Paris, Marseille, Bordeaux and Caen. We bring together a multi-disciplinary ecosystem (students, entrepreneurs, citizens) who imagine solutions using living matter in response to concrete challenges faced by our partners: public and private stakeholders, federations, experts…
With the ecosystem of stakeholders throughout France, MoHo, makesense and Ceebios deliver and distribute content on the biomimetic city, a city designed with and for the living world.
Sustainable Mobility
MoHo’s sustainable mobility coalition is a multi-stakeholder approach aimed at decarbonizing commuting by focusing on collaboration and support for changing habits.
This pioneering approach brings together the sustainable mobility ecosystem and experts in decarbonized mobility, work organization and support in changing habits through collective intelligence, action research and territorial experimentation.
The aim is to create a unique opensource digital tool for companies, to be published in September 2024, presenting: a project management method, all low-carbon mobility solutions, and a pedagogical approach to changing habits based on different company and employee profiles.
Deplastify The Planet
The 2020 program in partnership with UC Berkeley takes students, researchers, corporates from different academic background and challenges corporate problems
AI for Peace
Food Revolution
Tech for Democracy
Better Health
MoHo D-Day
The MoHo D-Day Summit is a vibrant new international forum. Launched in June 2019, in celebration of the 75th Anniversary of D-Day, it takes place annually in Caen, where still resonate the footsteps of soldiers from 10 countries who fought shoulder to shoulder for liberty and democracy.
The MoHo D-Day Summit is based on the firm conviction that change, innovation and disruption must be addressed collectively, across generations, disciplines, economic sectors and borders. And for Good. This led us to our theme :
Disrupt for peace
MoHo Nation
The MoHo Nation is an international community of changemakers supported by MoHo ambassadors whose mission is to contribute to the emergence of local solutions responding to the challenges of the 21st Century.
MoHo will work alongside French and international partners at every step (Embassies, French consulates, FrenchTech hubs, Business France offices, Make Sense and Hello Tomorrow).

Become a Partner
By mobilizing diverse minds, scientists, students, entrepreneurs, corporations, artists, intellectuals, and citizens, we can build impactful actions on a global scale.
Our world challenges can be solved through partnership.
Want to get involved ?