MoHo Talks
MoHo launches with the support of Schoolab, HelloTomorrow, makesense, Maddyness, 21 La Croix Rouge, RaiseLab and SoGood, a cycle of events in this period where the collective, More than ever, is the solution for the world according to:
To be inspired by extraordinary experiences to play collectively.
Find here the replay!

Arthur Auboeuf “Les coulisses de Team for the planet”
With his advice, captivating personal anecdotes, the “grand-père” hack, the mobilization of an active and committed community and well-kept secrets, Arthur Auboeuf has revealed many things.

Gilles Boeuf “How to write the future with the living?”
With our guest, Professor Gilles Boeuf, global expert on biodiversity issues, Professor at the Collège de France and former President of the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, President of the Ceebios, we will explore the wonders that life offers and we will return to the urgency of acting.

Ronny Turiaf “Does sport still make union?”
On November 30, Ronny Turiaf came to testify about his inspiring journey. From his first stint on the field to his dedication as NBA champion with the Miami HEAT. An exciting discussion about the power of sport as a tool for social connection, peace, inclusion and equality.

François Gemenne “Towards an optimistic and engaging ecology”
“I have not become more consensual, I have become more alarmed by the accelerating impacts of climate change.” Francois Géhenne, political scientist, IPCC expert

Olivia Gazalé «Building an egalitarian, inclusive and pacified society»
“The balance men/ women in society and in business will not be achieved without an understanding of the traps in which both genders are trapped”

Claudie Haigneré “Writing a new story for the future”
“I have in mind the utopias and positive anticipations that gave us, to my generation, this desire to project ourselves towards the 21st century.”

Christian Clot “Adapting to the present and building tomorrow in collective”
If we do not understand that from now on humans will have to and know how to adapt to global warming, we lie about the reality of the situation. The key word is “adaptation”.

Etienne Klein ‘Is scientific popularization a failure?”
If we dig into the subject, an obvious fact emerges: scientific popularization would be of interest to people who are interested in scientific popularization !

Colette Marin-Catherine “Take inspiration from the extraordinary”
If there is one thing that the Resistance must transmit it is respect. Respect for their country. Respect for others. Tolerance is something extraordinary.

André Manoukian “Harmony in dissonance”
A musical journey. Between words and melodies we go into the past, the present, the future, to meet these stories that make melody, harmony and finally the extraordinary.

Marion Chaygneaud-Dupuy “4 years to clean the roof of the world”
Compassion is a way to get moving through the difficulties. Empathy is a resonance with the emotional state of the other. Compassion creates action.

Coline Debayle “Behind the scenes (incredible) of TimeForPlanet”
MoHoTalks #17 – TimeForPlanet: behind the scenes of what is becoming the biggest crowdfunding operation in history. EUR 1 billion. This is the goal set by Time For Planet, creating a citizen investment tool to create and finance 100 companies fighting against greenhouse gases. 17,000 citizens, 1,000 companies including ENGIE and LDLC are involved in […]

Mélanie Marcel “Scientific Research at the service of the common good”
We are perhaps at a time that could put back in the right place the Scientific Research at the service of Nature and Human.

Simon Bernard, “Sharing knowledge to meet the plastic challenge”
Every minute, 19 tons of plastic are dumped in the ocean destroying wildlife, flora and directly human health, Simon Bernard, Plastic Odyssey decided to act.

Thomas Landrain, “Science in the Era of Mass Mobilization”
At present, the World Research is supported by 18 million people including students and researchers… Imagine that we multiply this number by 10 (!)

Mikaa MERED «The Arctic and Antarctic poles, major challenges of the 21st century!»
“Between majesty and melting ice, preservation and militarisation, strong desires and fragile governance, the polar worlds present strategic dilemmas that are not well known but omnipresent in current events.”

Emmanuel Delannoy, Christian Vanizette, Anneline Letard, 31/03/2022 à 18:30
REPLAY | Emmanuel Delannoy, Christian Vanizette, Anneline Letard, 31/03/2022 à 18:30
S’inspirer de la nature pour innover durablement et penser les solutions de demain.

Holly Ridings “Teamwork : out of this world experiences”
Holly is Nasa’s chief flight Director. She was also the brains behind the first SpaceX Dragon mission to the International Space Station held recently.

Helen Patton «S’inspirer du D-Day pour (re)construire demain»
MoHo Talk | Helen Patton, Analyste, Chairman of the Patton Alliance, 25 juin à 12:30
S’inspirer du D-Day pour (re)construire demain.

Yaron Herman «Improvisation : Let’s play!»
MoHo Talk | Yaron Herman, jazz pianist, 04/06/2020 at 12:30
Improvisation, let’s play!
The fundamentals of improvisation and the rules of harmony.

MoHo Talk Spécial | 27/05/2020 à 12:30
MoHo Talk Spécial | 27/05/2020 à 12:30
Comment s’adapter à demain ?
Et si cette crise était “utile” ?

Emmanuelle Périé-Bardout, co-fondatrice des expéditions UnderThePole, 22/05/2020 à 12:30
MoHo Talk | Emmanuelle Périé-Bardout, co-fondatrice des expéditions UnderThePole, 22/05/2020 à 12:30
Comment s’inspirer de l’extraordinaire pour jouer collectif ?
Mobiliser un collectif autour d’expéditions fantastiques.

Kalina Raskin, fondatrice du laboratoire de Biomimétisme Ceebios, 14/05/2020 à 12:30
MoHo Talk | Kalina Raskin, fondatrice du laboratoire de Biomimétisme Ceebios, 14/05/2020 à 12:30
Comment s’inspirer de l’extraordinaire pour jouer collectif ?
S’inspirer du Vivant. Comment le biomimétisme construit le monde qui vient.

Eric Bellion, Navigateur, 07/05/2020 à 12:30
MoHo Talk | Eric Bellion, Navigateur, 07/05/2020 à 12:30
Comment s’inspirer de l’extraordinaire pour jouer collectif ?
La Force par la Différence

Karima Delli, député Européenne, Guillaume Klossa, fondateur d’EuropaNova, 30/04/2020 18:00
MoHo Talk | Karima Delli, la député Européenne, en charge de la Commission Transport et du Tourisme, et le fondateur d’EuropaNova, Guillaume Klossa, 30/04/2020 18:00
Comment s’inspirer de l’extraordinaire pour jouer collectif ?
(Re)construire le collectif Européen.

Bertrand Piccard «Du moi d’après au monde d’après»
MoHo Talk | Bertrand Piccard, Explorateur, Psychiatre 23/04/2020 12:30
Comment s’inspirer de l’extraordinaire pour jouer collectif ?
Un regard, ou plutôt une vision, sereine, de ce que doit être la place de l’Homme dans le monde.

Amiral François Dupont, Commandant de sous-marin, 16/04/2020 12:30
MoHo Talk | Amiral François Dupont, Commandant de sous-marin, 16/04/2020 12:30
Comment s’inspirer de l’extraordinaire pour jouer collectif ?
Rapport au temps, à l’autre et à soi-même : comment se crée le collectif dans la vie d’un Sous-Marin ?

Gilles Boeuf, Biologiste, 09/04/2020 18:00
MoHo Talk | Gilles Boeuf, 09/04/2020 18:00
Comment s’inspirer de l’extraordinaire pour jouer collectif ?
Gilles Boeuf, Biologiste : Comment la nature, la biodiversité et les animaux jouent collectif en situation de stress intense ?

Christian Clot, Chercheur Explorateur, 03/04/2020 12:30
MoHo Talk | Christian Clot, 03/04/2020 12:30
Comment s’inspirer de l’extraordinaire pour jouer collectif ?
Comment l’individu ou un collectif réagit en situation de risque extrême ?